Blog Guitar Learning
clean arpeggios Guitar techniques Metallica metallica songs nothing else matters palm muting pentatonic
Metallica Guitar Guide: Easy Songs & Techniques
Since the 1980s, Metallica has served as an inspiration to many new guitarists who have taken up the instrument. This classic band rose to prominence and is now one of the most popular metal bands in the world. It is
Blog Guitar Effects How to use?
Guitar techniques how to learn legato legato guitar technique what is legato
Tips About Legato Guitar Technique
One of the most essential skills that a serious guitarist should have is the ability to play legato. This allows them to add interest and fluidity to their playing.In legato, we talk about various techniques used to change notes in
What Chords Should I Learn?
Although guitar chords are the most important part of playing music, learning them can be a challenge for new players. Aside from being able to hold a note properly, you also need to learn how to place your finger on